Provisional Programme And Indicative Content
Asia Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade
Africa Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade
Latin America Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade (Portuguese/Spanish)
Thematic Areas
Solutions to Forced labour
- Measuring ethical content of seafood
- Human rights legislation, monitoring and enforcement in fisheries and aquaculture
- Role of certification bodies in enhancing social justice
- Better work and welfare in the seafood business
- Port focused solution for reducing forced labour
- At sea controls on labour conditions
- Trafficking of labour in the fisheries and aquaculture
Molluscan shellfish safety (biotoxins)
- Monitoring of phytoplankton and HABs
- Aquatic food chains and toxicity
- Analysis of biotoxins
- Impacts of climate change
- Sanitary Surveys
- Microbiological methods
- Managing microbial pathogen risk
Corporate social responsibility
- Trade impact potential of CSR legislation
- Organisational responses in implementing CSR in seafood operations
- Measuring CSR performance in the supply chain
- Audit procedures
- Retailer perspectives - Ethical labelling and consumer information
The ethical dimension of seafood trade
- Fish welfare concerns in aquaculture and capture fisheries – implications for business
- Society and development – understanding the links to seafood trade
- The demand for ethical products
- Overcoming market access barriers to trade for small scale operators
Health hazards, safety and nutrition of seafood
- Balancing health costs and benefits of consumption
- Health risk assessment and management decision making in seafood safety
- Assessing risks and appropriate levels of protection
- Optimising nutritional benefits of fish and mollusc consumption for target populations
Role and challenges for fishery and aquaculture products in the circular economy
- Case studies in implementation of circular economy
- Technological challenges in improving utilisation of fishery products
- Food safety and animal health challenges in implementing the circular blue economy
Challenges in seafood regulation, inspection and control
- Regulatory trends and impacts on trade and development
- Small scale operators
- Dual standards - regulatory differences between export & domestic markets
- Innovation in food safety and inspection methods
- Remote audits, monitoring and inspection of seafood
- Certification systems - benchmarking and validation
- Traceability tools for improving safety in the supply chain
- Detecting and preventing fish fraud
- Indicators for seafood safety in the supply chain
- Impacts of aquaculture biosecurity measures on trade
Science, technology and utilisation of aquatic products
- Quality indicators Advance in laboratory methods for seafood testing
- Analytical tools in seafood traceability
- Plant based seafood analogues
- Innovation in Seafood Processing, packaging & distribution Technology
- Optimising the economic utilisation of products from the aquatic environment
Seaweeds and macro/microalgae – blue food of the future:
- Novel products and applications for seaweeds and macro/microalgae.
- Emerging technologies used in the production and processing of seaweeds and macro/microalgae.
- Emerging uses of seaweeds and macro/microalgae for human and animal nutrition.
- Food safety risks in the consumption of seaweed and macro/microalgae.
- Environmental and social impacts of seaweeds and macro/microalgae production.
IAFI Awards
Final Round Table
- Panel discussion on key themes - Keynote speaker panel